Tamarac Elementary School 5th Grade Science Teacher Simone Ryals is one of the State finalists for the 2012 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Program

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching are the Nation’s highest honors for teachers of mathematics and science. Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, leaders in the improvement of mathematics and science education and are an inspiration to their communities.  Tamarac science teacher Simone Ryals has been named as one of the state-level K-6 science finalists. Ryals will receive official notification of her honor by The White House this week. She will then be considered by a national selection committee composed of mathematics and science educators, teachers and past awardees who will select those teachers to be honored at the national level in Washington, D.C.  The winner will receive a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.  Ryals will be recognized at various ceremonies, including the 2012 FAST conference awards ceremony in October in St. Petersburg, Florida.